Lawyer ~ Author ~ Speaker ~ Consultant

My second novel in The Nina Chronicles series, The Raven, is now available on in both Kindle and Paperback.
Now available on by clicking HERE. The Order is the first novel in The Nina Chronicles, a speculative series about the future of the human race.

Paperback and ebook available at:
A suspense novel with a murder twist, concerning a lost horde of Nazi gold, and a former assassin for the U.S. Government whose life is threatened by the secret agency he formerly worked for.
Brothers of Summer is a window into the hearts of teenagers in the 60’s—a time when kids rode bikes, boys got drafted, parental abuse was often ignored, and the bonds of friendship between teenagers were more important than nearly anything imaginable.
Paperback and ebook available at:

The story of my five month round-the-world adventure. Learn what it was like for a paraplegic to dive on the Great Barrier Reef, go fly fishing in New Zealand, take trains across both Australia and Italy, and cope with daily challenges on the road in a wheelchair. With numerous photos.
Available only in ebook format at:
"My mother at 75 was confined to a wheelchair, but wanted to see the Mediterranean and Rome before she passed. Stan's living, breathing, exuberant example empowered us to take Mom on the trip of a lifetime!"
Elizabeth Sanderson